How to create an Invoice


To create an invoice on StoriiCare Billing, select the 'Invoices' tab within the Billing feature. Select the 'Create New Invoice' button at the top of the Invoice view. You will then be presented with the Draft Invoice View.

Populate your invoice by first selecting the participant to apply it to.

You will then need to select the category of the invoice. Categories pull from our Lists feature. Ensure you have a list available to pick from for your Invoice Categories. If you don't currently have one, we recommend using this list:

  • Admission Fee

  • Daily Attendance Fee

  • Transportation

  • Meals and Snacks

  • Specialized Therapies

  • Personal Care Services

  • Medication Management

  • Special Activity

  • Outing

  • Overnight Respite Care

  • Specialized Program

  • Equipment Rental

  • Additional Supplies

  • Beauty and Barber Services

  • Counseling

  • Late Pick-Up Fee

  • Guest Meal

  • Special Dietary Needs

  • Emergency Medical Services

  • Membership Fee

  • Workshop

  • Class Fees

A description must then be entered to describe the invoice. A notes area is also available for longer descriptions or additional information.

Next, quantity can be set (where required). If your invoice does not require a quantity it can remain set to 1.

Then, enter a rate for charge. If you have a quantity set, the rate will be multiplied by the quantity to generate an amount.

If you are required to charge any form of Tax on your invoice, select the Tax area to choose a custom Tax rate and whether that tax percentage is inclusive or exclusive. Note that similar to Invoice categories, you must have a Tax rate list available to select from.

If you require any discounts to be applied, select the discounts toggle to the left of the screen. Discounts can be percentage based or numerical based, depending on the list type you select from to populate your discounts. Multiple discounts can be added where required.

Next, a Payer must be assigned to the invoice. A Payer may be preassigned to the invoice based on the Participant you select. You can change an assigner payer by selecting the red trash can icon to the right hand side. If an invoice is being split between multiple payers, select the 'Add another Payer' option.

If your invoice has multiple charges or lines, you can add these by selecting ' Add a new Charge '.

Be sure to create your invoice by selecting the 'Save' button.

Once saved, your invoice will be available in the invoice view, from which it can be edited, voided, reconciled and exported as a PDF in addition to applying payments to an invoice. To action any of these options, select the ellipsis (three dots) to the right hand side of any invoice.