A Guide to Setting up a Storii Family account for a Service User


How to Register for a Storii Family Account as a Service User

Storii Family Account Requirements

In order to register for a Storii Family account as a Service User, you will need to have access to a personal email address.

Once you've shared your email address with a member of staff in your care community, they will be able to invite you to sign up for your Storii Family account. Click here for instructions.

Registering for a Storii Family Account

Once a member of staff has invited you to register for a Service User account via StoriiCare, check your email inbox.

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You should have an email from the Storii Team that looks like this:

Click on Create an Account

You'll be prompted to type in a password

Then click Register

Setting Up Your Storii Family Profile

Here's a quick video tour of your account and what you'll have access to:

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If you would like a one-on-one tour of your new Storii account and assistance setting it up, please book in a support call with a member of our team.

How to Login to Storii

Moving forward, to login to your Storii Family account you can:

  1. Download and login to the Storii Family App to your mobile device or tablet

  2. Visit storii.com from a computer and click the Login button in the top, right-hand corner of the screen

Storii Account Help Guides

A Guide to Using Media / How to Delete Media / How to Move Media to a Different Folder

A Guide to Using Places

A Guide to Using Playlists