Troubleshooting with StoriiCare


"I can’t see anything on the page."

If you open StoriiCare on your usual device and the screen appears blank or has loaded incorrectly, then it is likely that you have been timed out after a gap between uses.

Firstly, check that your device is currently connected to an internet source, either WiFi or other mobile data connection.

If you are using either our Android or iOS apps:

  • First try clicking the Back to Dash button

  • If this does not solve the issue, then close the app completely (refer to your device’s manual for guidance), and then reopen it again.

If you are using the browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc):

  • First try clicking the Back to Dash button

  • If this doesn’t work then try refreshing the page - usually an icon like this: ⟳

Got an idea for how we could improve?

If you have suggestions for new features or improvements we could make to our existing features, then why not use Feature Requests - find the link at the bottom of any StoriiCare page.

To log a suggestion:

Step 1. First, click the Feature Requests link at the bottom of any StoriiCare page.

Step 2. If you are visiting for the first time then you will need to create a free Canny account before you are able to comment or vote on any existing posts or create a new one. Canny is an external service we are using for this feature (see for more information).

Step 3. To sign up you can do so through your existing Facebook, Twitter or other accounts, or you can sign up using your email address.

Step 4. Once you are signed up you can create a new post in the Feature Requests list. You can check to see if someone else has already written a similar post as you start typing your Feature title (see image below). If not, then fill out your Feature title and Details  (the more detail the better!) and you can even attach a photo to the Request if you have an example. When you are finished click Create Post.

Step 5. If there is an existing Feature Request post then you can add an upvote by clicking the up arrow to the left of the Feature title. This will show us that it is a feature you also want us to develop.

Step 6. You can also join the discussion by commenting on an existing Feature Request post to add your thoughts or suggestions.

Step 7. You can check back at any time to see if any of your Feature Requests have been upvoted, and you will receive an email if anyone, including StoriiCare team members comment on your Request post.

If you are still having problems with viewing StoriiCare then you can get in touch with us by email: 

or by telephone: UK: +44 (0141) 816 0373 USA: +1 (650) 924 9930