A Guide to Removing Staff & Service Users


How to Remove A Staff Account

To remove a staff account, you will need to have an 'All Access' permission level. 

Make your way to the Staff list in the People tab.

Click the orange 'Edit' text in the top, left hand corner:

Next, click the orange X next to the name of the staff member that you wish to remove.

You will then be prompted with a message to confirm the removal of the account.

Just hit Remove, and that's you done!

How to Remove a Service User Account

You may have a service user who passed away or moved to another facility. StoriiCare allows you to deactivate their account, rendering it inactive. You will no longer see their name on your Service User list, but their account and all its information will be stored on our server (and remain accessible...we'll get to that in a bit!) for seven years, as required by law. 

To delete a service user, you will follow the same steps as above. Just click on the orange 'Edit' text in the top, left hand corner of the Service User list. 

Next, click the orange X next to the name of the service user you wish to remove. 

You will then be prompted with a message to confirm you want to deactivate their account.

Even once a Service User profile is deactivated, their data is held for a minimum of 7 years, per data regulations.

How to Find a Deactivated Service User

If you removed a service user, it is still possible to access their account at a later time! 

To do this, click on the filter drop down menu on your Service Users list.

​Click on the 'Inactive' option and any removed service users should appear. Just click on the account you wish to reactivate and follow the steps to deactivate it again once you're through.