How to Delete Overdue Tasks


To ensure that the Tasks feature is running efficiently it is important to prevent overdue tasks from building up over time.

Bulk Delete Overdue Tasks

  • Open up the Tasks feature from the Dashboard.

  • Tasks automatically filters to tasks assigned to you. In order to see ALL overdue tasks, please remove your name from 'Filter by Staff'.

  • Click where it says 'Past Overdue'

  • From here, you can click into specific days to delete overdue tasks or you can click 'Select All'

  • From here, you can choose whether to mark them all as todo, incomplete, or complete. You can also delete all tasks. If deleting all the tasks, you will be asked whether you want to delete future recurrences as well.

Need more support?

If overdue tasks are not loading for you or you think there is an issue as a result of having too many overdue tasks, please reach out to us on Live Chat or email and our developers can assist you.