Care Plan Update Notes Settings


Care Plan Update Notes Settings

  • Go to the Care Plan feature on a Service User’s profile.

  • Click into any of the Care Plan categories.

  • Scroll down to where you see the ‘Update Notes’ section (NOTE: This may have a different name on your account if the name was changed in the Care Plan template. If you do not see a notes area, it may have been disabled in the Care Plan template).

  • Click on the settings wheel/cog icon next to ‘Update Notes’.


Toggle the switch next to each line item on/off as you see fit:

  • Do you want staff to be able to tag Service Users in notes they post?

  • Do you want staff to be prompted to mark a note as ‘read’?

  • Do you want staff to be able to flag a note as important?

  • Do you want to enable ‘tags’ to be applied to notes (if turned on, tags can be created and managed in the section below)?

  • Do you want the notes to have a start time?

  • Do you want the notes to have end times?

  • Do you want to make it so that adding start and end times is a requirement for notes?

  • Do you want staff to be able to enter dates and times in the future when adding notes?

  • Do you want to make it so that the note pre-fills with the current date and time when posting?