Setting up Care Plan Template


It is important to first view the Care Plan feature from a Service User profile to get an idea of what this looks like and how it functions.

Then, you can go to the Business Settings area to make changes to the template.

The template will be set at a service-level, so you will see this template for all Service Users.

There are two parts to setting up the Care Plan Template:

  1. Establishing Care Plan categories

  2. Configuring the elements, headings, and questions within each category

Care Plan Categories

First, you will see a default list of Care Plan categories. On this page, you can:

  • Edit category titles

  • Edit category descriptions

  • Click on the icon image for each category to change it

  • Delete categories by clicking on the red garbage bin icon

  • Re-order the way in which categories are displayed using the up and down arrows

  • Add new categories using the + mark at the bottom of the page

  • Duplicate category sections using the duplicate icon below the trash bin

Category Settings

Each category has a settings wheel/cog icon. Clicking on this will allow you to configure what is inside that section.

On this page, you can:

Enable, disable, or re-name the following -

  • Summary: a written overview of the Care Plan category

  • Historical: a ‘click to reveal’ section where you can access care plan items that are no longer relevant (by default this is called ‘Historical’, but could be renamed to ‘Archived’, ‘Completed’, etc.)

  • An Update Notes section

Edit default sections or create custom ones -

  • Add new sections (+Add section)

  • Choose the section type via the dropdown menu:

    • Text (ideal for a Q & A response)

    • Date (i.e. Review Date)

    • Outcome Selector (allows staff to link in relevant items from the Outcomes feature)

    • Divider

    • Dropdown Options (create options to choose from and allow for single or multiple options to be selected)

  • Make a section required (staff will not be able to save the Care Plan if this section is empty)

  • Choose whether a section is visible to Staff Only (i.e. not Connections - family members)

  • Delete sections by clicking on the red garbage bin icon

  • Change the display order of sections using the arrows

  • Duplicate sections using the duplicate icon

Click the ‘Back’ button at the bottom of the screen to go save your work on the Categories page.