These Hands' Creative Writing Exercise
Original Source: Maria's Place
This is a great mental exercise to do with your service users that eventually turns into a piece of artwork you can display in your facility. It involves socializing, thinking, imagination, painting, cutting and placing of objects.
Whiteboard and markers or giant notepad
A canvas or poster board
Paint, markers, coloring supplies
Ask participants to look at their hands and think about everything those hands have done in their lifetime.
Now, ask participants to share their responses. Use a whiteboard or jumbo pad to record their suggestions. You'll end up with a piece of writing that is something like:
These Hands
Have planted seeds
Have used a typewriter
Have made a lot of tea
Have comforted others
Have driven a tractor
Have been covered in henna
Have polished shoes
and so on.
Work together to decorate a background on your canvas or poster board.
Once the background is dried, print off responses, cut them out, and glue them on.