Upload images to Rich Text Areas


You can now upload an image or embed a video link on any Rich Text area across StoriiCare. Image uploading will work both on desktop/laptop computers using the browser or our StoriiCare apps on modern mobile devices.

Image upload icon within any Rich Text View

Key use cases include:

  • Uploading an image whilst recording an activity

  • Including images in Life Story Question Answers

  • Including an image as part of a Staff Notice or a Community Announcement

  • Embedding a Youtube / Loom / Vimeo Video within a note or announcement (simply paste the link into the text area)

  • Adding an image as additional context to a progress note

  • Adding an image as part of a task note

  • Including an image in a measurement note to confirm a weight reading

  • Adding more design to an Activity Calendar event description

  • Including an image in a Care Plan Summary

Uploading an image whilst recording an activity (Completed activity view)

Including images in Life Story Question Answers

Including an image as part of a Staff Notice or a Community Announcement

Embedding a Youtube / Loom / Vimeo Video within a note or announcement

As we expand rich text to other areas within StoriiCare, image uploading will become available in these areas. We are also planning to add video and PDF attachment support to rich text in the coming months.