A Guide to Group Portal


About Group Portal

If you are a StoriiCare client with multiple business sites or different service offerings which require multiple accounts, Group Portal is for you!

With Group Portal, senior management can view trends and analytics across all their sites, manage staff access, and log in to different accounts from one central location.

How to Get a Group Portal Account

If you would like a Group Portal account, please email team@storii.com or reach out to your StoriiCare support representative. We can set up an account for you, provide you with login credentials, and facilitate a training session to ensure you understand how to leverage this tool.

Group Portal Trends & Analytics

All StoriiCare accounts have both a Trends and Analytics feature on the Dashboard. Rather than view the data within each individual account, Group Portal enables users to see a fuller picture, mapping various data points across their business. With Group Portal, users can compare and contrast the data from any combination of their accounts.

Group Portal Map

From Group Portal, users can view a map referencing the locations of their different sites/accounts. Clicking on the geotags will bring up more information about that business.

Group Portal Activities

From the Activities tab on Group Portal, users can manage the Activity Types available in the Calendar for each business account. This enables activities to be added or removed in bulk, ensuring consistency across accounts.

Group Portal Settings

In the Settings tab of the Group Portal, users will see a number of areas that can be configured, including:

  • Profile - Profile photo

  • Account - Username, time zone, date/time format

  • Appearance - Terminology and colors

  • Password

  • Business Access - Manage which business accounts staff members can access. This includes setting their job title, permission level, and whether or not they have direct login access for that location.

  • Storii Group Portal Access - Invite other staff members to access Group Portal

  • Business Groups - Organize your businesses and filter for specific groups across the portal (functions like Groups on StoriiCare)

How to grant staff access to Group Portal

  • Log in to Group Portal

  • Click on the Settings tab

  • Click on Storii Group Portal Access (left side bar menu)

  • Click the Invite button

  • Enter the email address(es) of the individual(s) you wish to invite

  • Hit Send

How to give staff access to multiple accounts

  • Log in to Group Portal

  • Click on the Settings tab

  • Click on Business Access

  • Search for the staff member

  • Click where it says which Business they have access to

  • Select additional businesses

  • Click where it says 'Permission Level, Job Title, Staff Direct Login' to configure these settings for each location

  • Click Save